
Blending the worlds of scholarship, design anthropology and strategy into something you can sink your teeth into

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to share my thoughts and insights with all kinds of crowds, from cozy meetings to the big, bright lights of TEDx events.

My thing?

I take all that book-smarts from academia, mix it with some tangible understanding from anthropology, and sprinkle in a bit of strategic wizardry to cook up talks that get people thinking and, hopefully, acting.

Whether we're diving into the nitty-gritty of how businesses can innovate with a user-first approach or designing experiences that click just the right way, I put my heart and soul into every word to spark some real change.

With a toolbox filled with skills from anthropology, design, strategy, and storytelling, I aim to bridge that gap between thinking and doing, making my voice one you won’t want to miss.

Example of topics available in Finnish and in English

  • Digital product design and death – how to design for the end of life?

  • Purity and danger – how anthropology can explain why the circular economy is broken?

  • Emotions in digital design – trust, fear, and grief

  • Design Anthropology – introduction to cultural insights and design

  • Moving from findings to insights – leveraging ResearchOps in your organisation

  • Harder, faster, better? – GenAI in Discovery and Design

Selected talks

Harder, faster, better? – Using GenAI in Discovery Phase, 6.10.2023, Fraktio

Using AI is akin to molding clay for creativity. It's a versatile material that can be shaped according to your vision but comes with constraints. In this presentation, we'll delve into the prime methodologies, clever techniques, and ethical considerations for designers within the preliminary phase of the double diamond model: the Discovery phase. Check YouTube.

Palvelumuotoilu & Asiakasymmärrys – 2020-luvun kilpailuetusi (Tieturi, 2021)

Muotoiluosaamisen hyödyntäminen palvelujen ja asiakasymmärryksen kehittämisessä ovat tutkitusti parhaita tapoja kasvattaa asiakasarvoa. Se näkyy konkreettisesti niin kasvussa kuin asiakaskokemuksessa, mutta onko se vain värikkäitä post it-lappuja ja konsulttien käsien heiluttelua? Miten muotoilun avulla kehitetään digitaalisia palveluita?

Tässä webinaarissa pääset tutustumaan mitä palvelumuotoilu on, miten sitä käytetään ja mikä rooli asiakasymmärryksellä ja -kokemuksella on muotoilussa. Saat konkreettisten case-esimerkkien avulla ymmärryksen eri tavoista hyödyntää palvelumuotoilua – erityisesti digitaalisessa liiketoiminnassa – sekä millaista kilpailuetua muotoilun avulla on mahdollista rakentaa.

Webinaarin vetäjänä toimii Anna Haverinen, FT, design-antropologi ja laadullisen tutkimuksen rautainen ammattilainen, joka uskoo vankasti tutkimustiedolla johtamiseen. Hän on erikoistunut digitaaliseen palvelumuotoiluun, tuotekehitykseen sekä strategiseen asiakasymmärrykseen, joka palvelee niin myyntiä, tuotekehitystä kuin markkinointiakin. Anna on työskennellyt mm. Aarikan, Kauppakeskus Myllyn, UPM Metsän, Suunnon, Suomen Taksiliiton, TYKS Orton, Takedan, LV:n sekä lukuisten start-upien kanssa.

Finlande : Anna Haverinen – What's up in your country? FUPA UX Days 2021

Guest talk on the FUPA UX Days about the effect of COVID-19 on knowledge-work, design and remote work in Finland. Check the video.

Tales from an anthropologist, IxDa, Lyon, 2018

For the most part, digital product designers seek to create positive and engaging experiences. Knowing how to make things intuitive, gratifying and clear is obviously vital. However, it is arguably just as important to recognize the context in which the user operates.

And sometimes, this context can be dead serious.

In this presentation, I will tap into my experience of designing services for people going through various kinds of hardships, grief, and sorrow. The examples vary from peer-to-peer insurance to services that aid people in mourning the dead. Check the video.

Mourning online - are we faking it? | Anna Haverinen | TEDxTurku, 2017

In my ethnographic PhD study, she examined extensively why, how, and where people mourn and honor online. In this talk, I talk about the juxtaposition of online mourning by presenting a case study from an online role-playing community in Second Life. YouTube.