Coach, trainer and key note speaker

Anna Haverinen, PhD.

I study people.

Through my work, I unveil the meaning of human experiences for business, strategy, and product design.

Let me help you to understand your business, customers, and market better – and often yourself in the process.


I’m a research insights specialist with a background in academic and applied sectors. I have a PhD in Digital Culture, a long professional history as a Design Anthropologist, and I’ve also completed studies in solution-oriented coaching.

My true passion is creating AHA moments. This is why I’ve turned my passion into a side hustle of coaching, consulting, and public speaking. During the day you can find me from Un/known, a Helsinki-based management consultancy.

Key notes

I give keynote talks that inspire and energize audiences on various topics. I cover career changes, using human insights in business, and why good research practices matter.

Whether it's for a conference or company event, I bring passion and know-how to every talk.


I teach customer insights, design anthropology and digital service design. I can also tailor solutions for you and your team, whatever you are looking into learning in the space of design, research, and customer experience.

Check out my past and upcoming courses.

Career coaching

I help people switch careers with personalized coaching to make the change smooth and successful. For entrepreneurs, I offer business coaching to build ventures using human insights and mixed-method research. Plus, I coach teams and individuals on research methods and ethics to ensure they get it right. Rates begin from 110€/1,5h.

Words from partners and clients

Get in Touch

Do you have a project in mind? Looking for a career coach? Drop me a line and let’s talk more.